Sign up to Volunteer

Volunteers are essential to helping Oakvillegreen achieve its mission of preserving nature where we live! We have events and activities for families, seniors, youth, and community groups. 

Fill out the form below to let us know which opportunities interest you. When new events come up, we'll email you an invitation to sign-up for specific dates and times. You can also sign-up for any upcoming event though our Events Calendar.


Youth Volunteering

Get Involved in Your Community 

Participate in Oakvillegreen events to earn volunteer hours, develop your leadership skills, and tackle hands-on environmental stewardship projects.

Participants under 13 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Participants aged 13-17 must have a signed waiver completed by a parent or guardian.


Oakvillegreen Youth Stewards

Looking for deeper involvement with Oakvillegreen? 

Oakvillegreen Youth Stewards (ages 13-18) gain hands-on environmental experiences, participate in skill-building activities, and meet environmental professionals while acquiring volunteer hours. Participants will also meet like-minded youth and have fun! Upon completion of the program, participants receive a certificate of recognition and summary of their volunteer hours to acknowledge their hard work.

How do I complete my certificate? 

  • Participate in at least three Oakvillegreen stewardship events throughout the school year (September to August)
  • Share information about Oakvillegreen’s volunteer opportunities with friends and classmates

How do I receive my certificate? 

  1. Register as a Youth Steward
  2. If you are already registered as a volunteer with Oakvillegreen, contact to add Youth Steward to your profile.
  3. If you are not registered as a volunteer with Oakvillegreen, register as a volunteer and select "Youth Volunteering" along with your other interests.
  4. Keep track of your stewardship event attendance and hours throughout the school year.
  5. Request your Youth Stewards certificate by contacting
  6. You can request a certificate as soon as you've participated in at least three stewardship events.
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