Oakvillegreen works with community volunteers to remove common invasive plant species from Oakville parks and greenspace, such as European buckthorn, Garlic mustard, Phragmites, and Dog-strangling vine. We also tackle some insect invaders such as Spongy (LDD) moth.
Every year we remove hundreds of bags of invasive plants with the help of energized volunteers! Their actions have helped to improve our urban forest ecosystems and increase local biodiversity.
Invasive plants invade greenspace and can often out-compete our native species. This can have negative impacts on how our ecosystems function. Many invasive plants cannot be used by wildlife for food which puts pressure on the few native plants that remain. Once invasive plants have taken hold, their thick spread can make it challenging to remove them.
Thank you to the Town of Oakville for supporting our invasive species programs.
Want to learn more? Visit our Learn page, for tips to tackle invasive species on your property and in local greenspace.
Invasive species, also called invasive alien species, are “non-native species that have been introduced from another geographic region and whose introduction or spread negatively impacts native biodiversity, the economy and or society, including human health” (Ontario Invasive Plant Council, 2016).
Invasive species often have a combination of three characteristics that make them more challenging to manage than non-invasive, non-native species:
As stewards of the earth, we have the responsibility to honour and respect the four directions, land, waters, plants, animals, and ancestors that walked before us, and all of the wonderful elements of creation that exist. Oakvillegreen respectfully acknowledges that our work with the community takes place within the Treaty Lands and Territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, represented by Treaty 14 and Treaty 22, and on the traditional territories of the Anishinaabeg (Ah-nish-in-nah-beg), Attawandaron (At-tah-wahn-da-ron), Haudenosaunee (Ho-den-oh-sho-nee) and Metis peoples. We honour these rightful caretakers of this sacred land surrounding the Great Lakes, and we are grateful for their teachings.
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